New nepali cinema MISSION KHELADI

"MISSION KHELADI" is a new nepali cinema in the direction of Prithbi Shrestha where Niranjan Thapa Magar ,Prithbi Shrestha, Nawaraj Maske, Ganesh Tiwari, Rajan Shrestha, Shyam Sunuwar, Dil Bahadur Majhi, Puja Rai, Bhesh Bahadur Rai have acted .This movie was prepared by helping of people like make up by Dipendra Hamal, Deepak Shrestha ,Story/Dialogue by Niranjan Thapa Magar

Post-production was done by Omnifoniks Recording Studio ,Cinematographer by Keshav Adhikari, Deepak Lama Lyrics/Music by  Raman Gayakand and Background Music by helping of Yam Maski Magar .ther are also singers to prepare this cinema is not possible for making full in the lack of good actres ,stars and singers are Rajesh Payal Rai, Ros .

Ajay Shyangtan, Prawan Pradhan, Deepak Neupane are editors ,Assist Director is Prithbi Shrestha ,Producers are Jyoti Thapa Magar and Nahakul Shahi and Directors are Niranjan Thapa Magar, Raj Kumar Ghimire and action is made with the helping of Shankar Maharjan and Suraj Shrestha and it is in the presantation of Dikshya Films and a Film by Shushil Shahi .Mission Kheladi has been published in you tube just 1 days ago .

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