Tarkariwali new Nepali song has published just before one days .in which singer is Puspa Bohara ,Sujan Shahi is Editor Sandip Karki is Arranger and Director is subhash GC .Tarkariwali song has been recoeded with help of camera man Prakash Khadka ,Artists Mina Pandey & Rishi Pandey and Music/Lyrics by Narayan Prasad Neupane .
Nowaday "tarkariwali" word is being virol in social media because some days ago one photo had been uploaded in Facebook with Tarkariwali word ,it means that photo was of a villager girl who was carrying vegetables or she has been doing farming and she is also beautiful girl .She has been called in interview and she wanted to be modelling if she get chance to be that but that was only gossip in social media like Facebook and twitter .
Moreover ,she informed not to be modeling but she said "first i continue my study " even she received more offers of Nepali cinema from director but she ignored .Because of that virol photo artist Narayan Prasad Neupane made a tarkariwali album in this oppertunity .Tarkariwali word of facebook became more same word as wali like ghaswali ,sunwali etc.There is said "ma ta Nepali ki gorkhali xori sabaile bhanxan malai tarkariwali" which leads as our country is agriculture based it would be source of modern farming .Tarkariwali Kusum Shrestha from Gorkha she has been engaged in farming which can lead most of Nepali to agriculture .