'Todays diary' Nirmal Sharma :Meeting with unknown woman

I got up early morning at 5 am usually ,i reached to Pashupati area from my house sifal in morning walk .To return from there youngs are playing basketball ,i also play usually .In the summer time i swimming on Aambe apartment .Then ,i bought milk ,vegetables for house .

After drinking a cup of tea in home we meet more people from different areas and take tea .There is matters of country as well as personal .I reached to a swaram of mahendra bus after taking a breakfast at 10:30 where set was kept for cinema aaishorya .

There was scene to give gift to atress Prashant Tamrakar .I lived some time in cinematogrphy and went there for meeting with MD of Annupurna TV .Meeting of there was so good then a program was to reach video of a song in Bindyabasini music .From some days it was in confusing but got   that today .One unknown woman was calling me for seven month from chitawan ,she wanted to meet me and in cafe 33 i met her .she wanted to play film with actor Aanamol kc and i suggested her to play minor role rather than to play with Aanamol kc .After meeting her i had to meet with Ramesh Upreti and we met in that resturant .

To finished meeting i have come to home now im watchig south indian cinema talking snakes .I dont take dinner always but i use facebook and watch tv .I usually sleeps by 10 pm .There has been done some good work so that i want three days to five days today .

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